Monday, December 7, 2020



Pedophilia is a problem that I feel has tried to hide a lot over time, both talking about it and trying to go against it.

Pedophilia is basically , when an adult is sexually attracted to children, preteens, or adolescents, there are different classifications of pedophilia depending on the age ranges mentioned above.

This is an issue that must be urgently addressed, pedophilia networks were not so well known before, but now more and more networks of this have been discovered, and they are immense, many people see this as a business, so this is It is becoming more and more unfortunately at the cost of what?, of many people's lives, which are strongly ruined, since all that is recreated here are relationships without concentration, and towards children! I think it is really disgusting, it what pedophiles do and think and I also believe that the authorities worldwide have not taken the weight of this or are not taking action on this, and it is horrible.

Lately I have learned that many pedophiles want to make you believe that their condition is due to a sexual orientation, they want to make a social movement that they want to legalize pedophilia, which is totally unacceptable, and I really hope that no one supports this movement that they are creating , since children deserve a childhood as they are. . must, and are not for sexual consumption!

Sunday, December 6, 2020



The type of job that I would like have, I see in a future a lot far, because first I have to graduate, and there is a long way to go. So I will speak from the side too dreamy.

Obviously I would like have a job related to what I study, there are many areas of the pharmacy that interest me, like the clinical, veterinary, and cosmetic área. But the one I like the most at the moment is the area of cosmetics, because I like a lot the make up, and everything related to skin care, so so it would be a dream job have a cosmetic brand that was mine, because I would like to be aware of what my area is, which is the pharmacy, but I would also like to be aware of marketing decisions, colors, among other things that are more related with the artistic side that I have always liked a lot, but it is too big a dream that I do not know if one day I will fulfill.

I would like to travel a lot, but only for a while, but if I would like to do it since then one is enriched with new knowledge

And as for the salary, I would not mind having a great salary, I would only like to have financial stability.


Hi, today I will talk about the career that I'm study

When I was graduate of the school in 2017, I wasn´t know or I was indecisive about my future, the only that I was secure that I wanted study something realted with pleople´s health, as well as I like so much subjects like biology, chemistry and mathematics, and I don´t like subjects as literature or history, I´m so bad in this, for my indecision  I gave me a sabaticcal year, that  was in the year of the 2018 in that year I worked in a supermarket and  I studied in a "preuniversitario"

The last year I was find the large quantity that my family was self- medicate and the people in general make it so much with careless, this is was steal me a lot of my attention. And when I worked in the supermarket I discovered that I´m not have patience whit the people, so I think  that I couldn´t study in something which attend people frequently as nursing, medicina, etc. Finally I decided study chemistry and pharmacy that is a profession so more important to the society because help to every people of the world, improvement the life's quality, and for the worker have so much labor field  with many differents areas, meaning that isn't humdrum.

Thursday, December 3, 2020



I think that all have hobbies but now, and some we can´t make because we are in pandemic, is very sad, the most I miss is practice cheerleader, today I would like to delve into in this.

 Cheer is a sport new compared with other sports, it was created in 1898 for Johnny Campbell, who wanted animate the public in the university, first is a sport that intervened more men than women, but presently itself estimate that around of a 90% of the cheerleaders are women. This sport consists of gymnastics, lifts, jumps, throws basically.

The most I like this sport is the complexity that has, cause some people think that is a easy sport, but you need has abilities for dance, flexibility, gymnastics, balance, and the most important is the attitude, another thing that is agreeable of the sport is the joining together of the team, because when we are in the routine that lasts 2 and a half minutes we have to do everything in union, before going out on the mat (which is where we compete) we must all give ourselves good vibes and encourage ourselves so that everything goes perfect, another reason that i like  the sport is the uniforms, because always are beautiful and has many sparkle. The only thing that I don´t like of the cheerleading is the gossips.

  I choose that sport because I have abilities with the flexibility and gymnastic, I feel comfortable in my team and is very entertaining too. I have the position of flying, and I adore being on top of my hands, reaching the balance above makes me comforting and balanced, also when I practice new things and they turn out well, it makes me feel too happy, even if I have a bad day I get to training and all the pain, anger or frustration I may feel passes.

  Unfortunately, cheerleading is not recognized as a sport, but I feel so proud to be part of this.


Wednesday, December 2, 2020




In 2014 may, I went to the one direcction´s concert, this band was so special for me, because I met to much people that is still part of my life, and just for having this taste in common, it was a great stage of life.

 The concert lasted about 1 hour and a half, but with my friend and her cousin, we had to be very early, because we need a good venue for the concert as our tickets were for the court only. We arrived at approximately 9 in the morning, we brought a lot of food, to hang out, and although we did not have the best positions, it was the most entertaining concert because was my first concert and to we was so young, the people there too it is, and all the people was so friendly, we meet a lot people there.

When the band went on stage, was so deep-felt my friend started crying, which gave me a lot of grace at first, but then I started crying with her, but it was only from emotion, because we were fulfilling a dream and it was a great memory that we would always remember.


  Pedophilia is a problem that I feel has tried to hide a lot over time, both talking about it and trying to go against it. Pedophilia is ba...